A comparative look at "Let there be light" (Genesis 1:3) and the concept of Lucifer as a light-bringer, integrating perspectives from Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Gnosticism, and Freemasonry.

1. "Let There Be Light" in Different Traditions

The phrase "Let there be light" represents creation, enlightenment, and divine order emerging from chaos in many belief systems:


  • Divine Wisdom: In Jewish thought, the "light" in Genesis is often linked to divine wisdom (Chokhmah) and the hidden light of creation (Or HaGanuz), which God stored away for the righteous.
  • Kabbalistic Interpretation: In Kabbalah, light represents emanations of the divine (the Sephirot), particularly Keter (Crown), the first and purest energy from God.


  • Jesus as the Light: Christianity teaches that Jesus is the true light (John 8:12), bringing divine truth and salvation to the world.
  • Logos (Divine Word): In John 1:1-5, Christ is called the Logos (Word) through whom light came into the world, connecting Genesis 1:3 to Jesus.


  • God is the Light: In Islam, Allah is "An-Nur" (The Light) (Quran 24:35), meaning divine illumination.
  • Creation through Speech: The Quran describes God creating through His command, "Be!" (Kun!), which parallels Genesis 1:3.


  • Light as Brahman: The Upanishads describe Brahman (Ultimate Reality) as pure light and consciousness (Sat-Chit-Ananda = Existence, Consciousness, Bliss).
  • Vedic Hymns: The Rigveda speaks of light overcoming darkness, with deities like Agni (fire) and Surya (sun) embodying divine illumination.


  • Enlightenment (Nirvana): Light symbolizes awakening, as seen in the Buddha’s enlightenment under the Bodhi tree.
  • Vajrayana Buddhism: Uses "clear light" meditation, where divine wisdom is visualized as light.


  • Sophia (Wisdom) and the False Light: Gnostics believed in a higher divine light (Pleroma) and a false, corrupt light from the Demiurge (an imperfect creator).
  • Lucifer as a Symbol of Rebellion: Some Gnostic texts depict Lucifer as a misunderstood bringer of knowledge, akin to Prometheus.


  • Light as Knowledge: In Masonry, "light" symbolizes wisdom, enlightenment, and moral truth rather than a physical or divine force.
  • Initiation Rituals: Masons progress from darkness to light in their degrees, mirroring the path of spiritual awakening.

2. Lucifer as the Light-Bringer

Lucifer, meaning “Light-Bearer”, has been interpreted in various ways:

  • Jewish Perspective: The Hebrew Bible never identifies Lucifer as Satan. Isaiah 14:12 refers to the Babylonian king metaphorically as helel ben shachar (“shining one, son of the morning”).
  • Christian Perspective: Later Christian tradition linked this passage to Satan’s fall, influenced by Jerome’s Latin translation (Lucifer = "light-bringer").
  • Islamic View: The Quran does not mention Lucifer but speaks of Iblis (Satan), who refused to bow to Adam, leading to his fall.
  • Gnostic View: Some Gnostic sects saw Lucifer as a bringer of forbidden knowledge, much like the Serpent in Eden.
  • Masonic & Esoteric Thought: Some esoteric traditions see Lucifer as a symbol of knowledge and free will, while others warn against false enlightenment.

3. Reexamining the Questions

1. If Lucifer is not God, why did God say "Let there be light"?

  • In most traditions, God (or the Ultimate Reality) is the source of light, not Lucifer.
  • Lucifer, if acknowledged at all, is either a fallen being who once had light or a misunderstood symbol of knowledge.
  • Light in Genesis refers to divine creation and wisdom, not to any individual entity like Lucifer.

2. Is Lucifer truly a bringer of light, or a deceiver?

  • If Lucifer represents intellectual knowledge, he can be seen as a Promethean figure—one who gives fire (wisdom) to humans.
  • However, many traditions distinguish true divine light from false light:
    • Freemasonry & Mysticism: True light is self-mastery and wisdom, while false light is pride and selfishness.
    • Christianity: Jesus is the true light; Lucifer’s light blinds rather than enlightens.
    • Gnosticism: The world’s light is often a counterfeit; true light comes from divine gnosis.

Final Thoughts

My original question—why did God say "Let there be light?" if Lucifer is the light-bringer—can be answered in different ways depending on perspective:

  1. From a monotheistic view (Judaism, Christianity, Islam):

    • God is the source of all true light.
    • Lucifer is either an angel who fell from grace or a misinterpreted symbol.
  2. From a philosophical/esoteric view (Freemasonry, Gnosticism):

    • Light represents wisdom and enlightenment.
    • Lucifer may symbolize knowledge that can be used for good or evil.
  3. From a comparative-mystical view (Hinduism, Buddhism):

    • Light represents consciousness and truth.
    • The struggle is between ignorance and enlightenment, not good vs. evil.